DevLog no. 3

Welcome back to an update on "Days and Dreams".

First off, thank you to everyone following the proces of developing the game. There is a steady flow of followers on both as well as here on Your support and feedback is equally inspiring and useful during development.

As prototyping continues, I am still reworking existing mechanics as well as adding content to current locations all centered around the Westdale neighborhood, where the main character begins their story.

Having added a few basic things to do around the neighborhood in order to find NPCs, earn money, build stats, time has come to begin adding content, which will test out the following features:

  • Building main character's relationships with NPCs, flirting and moving towards intimacy.
  • Building main character's stats which will unlock more possible actions and adventures for the main character.
  • Adding events around the map, which will make the world feel alive, put the main character in unexpected situations and present them with opportunities for growth or falling.

Slowly building foundations for the above, while optimizing mechanics will begin the conclusion of prototyping and move us into early development, where we can also begin expanding the area. But that is still some versions ahead of us.

Since the last DevLog, adding your stepfather's Friday Poker Night as well as the first romancing with your coworker at Burrito Bros. has been the first pokes at prototyping on the above goals.

All the while, focus has been on keeping curious about the tone of the game, as well as planning out a few wishes for future content, stats etc.

Until next time, I hope you all enjoy. And keep feeding me your thoughts and wishes - I read them all and answer the best I can.


Version stats: 378759 Characters, 48336 Words, 139 Passages


Days and Dreams Play in browser
Sep 22, 2024

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